Use our ideation kit to come up with your next hit hyper-casual game concept

Mechanic and
genre combos

Many successful games now follow a formula of combining two or more compelling mechanics. Choose three games in the top game charts and identify their mechanic(s), then think about mixing and matching to come up with your own combination of mechanics, or a new game.

Mechanic and
genre combos

Introducing a secondary mechanic is key for improving engagement and boosting in-game metrics - leading to higher LTV. Choose 3 hyper-casual games from the top charts in 2022 that have one main mechanic. Write down this core mechanic, then write down a secondary mechanic you would add.

Mechanic and
genre combos

ChatGPT can be used to come up with level content for your prototype - and beyond. Try entering the rules of a game featuring one of the four combinations of mechanics to see what levels the tool suggests - runner + assembling or merge games, shooter + assembling or merge games, puzzle + assembling or merge games, and idle + assembling or merge games

Mechanic and
genre combos

Runner + assembling or merge games, shooter + assembling or merge games, puzzle + assembling or merge games, and idle + assembling or merge games all show higher LTV potential. Find 5 examples of games that use any of these combinations of mechanics, list them, then write down a new theme for each.

Hybrid casual

It’s time to think about collectibles - a key feature for hybrid casual games. Start by writing down your 3 favorite classic hyper-casual games.

Now, write down 3 things that gives you energy in real life.

Lastly, think about how these energy-giving items could be collectibles in the games you first wrote down. Consider how these can give players better capabilities, size, or strength. Also, make sure they correlate with the theme of the game. Below, write down 2 ideas for collectibles for each of the three games you wrote down before.

Hybrid casual

Hybrid games should have a steeper difficulty curve than classic hyper-casual. So write down 5 classic hyper-casual games that you can think of (or take from the top charts).

Now think what you can do to create mid-level milestones that make levels longer and more challenging. For example, “make the levels longer” or “ have the first 3 levels be unbeatable”

App store

Enter the App Store and look at the top 10 hyper-casual games. Write down all the mechanics, theme, and/or genres they have in common

Open up the Google Play Store and look at the description or the top 5 hyper-casual games. Write down 3 things that stand out to you in their descriptions

Deeper dive

Go to Amazon and check what board games and toys are the best-sellers right now - how they could be a new hyper-casual game concept?

Fun fact: Fidget toy trading was a popular toy for kids that developers turned into top-chart games, like Fidget Toy Trading 3D

Brain break!

Stretch it out

Start with 3 neck rolls from side to side

Bring one arm across your body while using the other arm to deepen the stretch for 15 seconds. Repeat on the other arm

Clasp your hands together in front of you and raise them toward the ceiling. Bend from side to side, stretching into your waist for 30 seconds

Deeper dive

Write down the 5 most popular shows on Netflix right now. Do they have any elements, characters, themes, etc. that could be used for a hyper-casual game?

Take a break: Look around you and notice the colors of the objects surrounding you. How many red objects do you see? Blue?

App store

Look at the top 20 games in the puzzle game category on the App Store. Write down at least 3 mechanics or themes you’ve never seen in a hyper-casual game

Tooltip: A great approach to ideation is to think of a brand-new mechanic or theme not yet in the hyper-casual charts - it gives users a brand-new experience

Brain break!

Brain break!

Close your eyes, try to tune out the noise around you, and take 5 deep breaths

Fun fact: Just 5 minutes of meditation each day can improve your mood, reduce stress, and boost brain function

App store

Check out the top 20 hyper-casual games on the App Store right now. Write down 3 narratives or mechanics that stand out to you, then write down a change you’d make to each

Example: There’s a decision-making game that puts users in the kitchen as a chef. Change the narrative: Users play as the owner of an ice cream shop

Social media

On Instagram, follow @storeglide and @hyperwatcher and write down a feeling you get from the first video on each account page

Tooltip: A great game idea can come from a feeling you get while playing another game or watching a video. Black Candy got the idea for the hit game Escalators by watching a GIF that made them feel a major sense of satisfaction

App store

Go to the Google Play Store and write down the sub-genres, mechanics, and themes of the top 10 hyper-casual games. Now, pair at least 3 of these mechanics or themes with different sub-genres

Example: Bridge Race became the world’s most downloaded game by taking a stacking mechanic from a runner game and applying it to an io game instead

App store

Let’s go back to the top 10 hyper-casual games on the App Store. Write down the theme, mechanic, and any special elements in each. Now, take a feature from one game and pair it with the feature from another, and write it down

Tooltip: Taking two successful features from games in the top charts can help you create a concept that’s set up for success

Brain break!

Time for a break

Check in with yourself by doing a full body scan. Close your eyes and relax your breathing as you mentally scan down your entire body, starting from your head. Try to bring back your focus any time it wanders and notice the sensations you feel during this exercise.

App store

Create a spreadsheet with columns for title, sub-genre, mechanic, narrative, theme, and elements. Now open the App Store and for the top 10 hyper-casual games, add their details into your spreadsheet. Congrats: you just ran a market analysis! Use this to spot trending elements that can inspire your own concept.

Social media

Some trends never get old. Go to YouTube and search for “top hyper-casual games 2018” - watch the first video and write down 3 mechanics and 3 themes that stand out to you.

Combine all of these tips and exercises to think of the next hyper-casual hit.
Now it’s time: go forth and conquer the top charts

Discover how to turn your game into a winner

Check out these resources on trends and best practices to set your game up for success in the competition:

SuperMonday January 2022: Hyper-casual trends and ideation tips


How to use TikTok to inspire your hyper-casual game concept


How top hyper-casual developers got the idea for their games